Thursday, August 4, 2022

Micaela most 3

How did this happen? It seems like just yesterday you were a baby in my arms! Now you are a big girl, with big words, big actions and big demands. You are the light of our life and have made everyday fun!

You love to tell us stories and to hear them too. You are so incredibly creative with them too. Every night you ask to play Toy Story and you and Daddy pretend. Pretending is a big part of your life right now, You love to play Cinderella, frozen and your favorite Beyonce and Shelby with Grandma. You love making Darth Vader noises too. Thanks to Daddy.

You wished for a puppy this year for your birthday! You continue to do this but are not ready to buy one yet.

I love it when you say "actually!"  It cracks me up. You are still obsessed with sleeping with your lovies and often you ask to sleep with another stuffed animal. You are pretty good and spitting after we brush your teeth. You are good on a scooter but do not know how to ride a bike yet.

You are so sweet kind and caring...and so outgoing. You have been thanking everyone for coming to your birthday. You love to have conversations with people too!

Your favorite show: Paw Patrol

Friday's after school we go to pinkberry and you love it!! Its so cute because you know you can get some growing healthy food on it as well as some sprinkles and m and m's You are very good with food! You eat healthy except when Grandma comes she gives you Grandpa's cookies which oh so love!!!You can't keep anything a always tell me what Grandma Debi does...whether she spills her coffee or gives you two cookies.

Your tantrums are not bad...really only when you are hungry or tired which are understandable.

Summer Time

Dennis asked me today if I could stay home with micaela and not work would I?could I? The answer is 100% yes! From the minute She wakes up.. I sing to her, nurse her, kiss her, teach her what things are, dance with her, take her to my gym, and music, feed her healthy food, teach her manners. No one in the world will ever care for her the way Ido. I feel like I have lost control when she is away from me. That is hard.    This past month I have enjoyed spending so much time with her. She is my little best friend. She is so clingy and although can play indenprntly she always seems to scoot to me and say "up up" and I can't resist but told hold her. I was so worried about trying to wean her and my friend told me... Why try to wean her when you are with her 24:7 do it when you are away at work. That was the best advice I heard.  Life has become amazing without pumping. Micaela is now a great feeder so its awesome to sweep her up in the morning and snuggle in our chair while she eats her "duck duck duck"  as she calls milk. I feel so close and so amazing with her that I'm so happy breast feeding. In the day she will occasionally ask to feed and if its feasible then I do it. If we are out and about she gets her sippy cup. She drinks whole milk mixed with strawberry kefir. That's the only way she will have whole milk.  Micaela has such a personality. She gets tightened easy. Especially with loud noises or loud people. At her friend Nyla's birthday... Little Michael screamed and she cried for about 5 minutes. A loud truck will startle her and make her leap into our arms and crawl up ou chest. She is obsessed with the trash truck or ta ta. When she hears it we go take her on the balcony and she kicks and squeals with excitement. It's amazing! She loves to watch doggies and people walk by. She barks at the dogs and loves to point out the tee.. Or tree by our house. I'm loving feeding her breakfast and nursing her to nap. She eat a smoothie or ju juuuu for breakfast and oatmeal.  Vanilla Coconut milk, banana, mango, protein, chia, avocado, spinach. She loves it. Her oatmeal is from trader joes and she devours it! After breakfast she and I clean up or I run an errand then at about 11 its nap time. I nurse her to sleep and she sleeps so cozy for about 1.5 hours. I usually get ready or clean then we start out day. 

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Micaela's 4th Birthday Party

I can't believe my baby is 4 years old!! She is the wittiest and sassiest girl I know. Of course wanted a rainbow unicorn party which I thought would be hard but it ended up being so much fun!! I loved that all of our family and friends could be there. This year I had so much help from Kristi as I always forget how much work it is. Princess, piƱatas, cake, cookies and lots of laughs were the highlight! Until next year! 

Friday, May 13, 2016

Mom's Trip to Palm Springs

Stephanie invited us to to her house in Palm Springs for mom's trip! I debated on going since I had Beyonce tickets for Saturday night. I ended up just going for a night and drove back with Jenn and Gretchen. I am seriously so glad I went! I met these momma's almost four years ago and we have established the best friendship. We had so much fun in the pool and then went out on the town for dinner. Then we had the best dance party back at the house! Angela made us a yummy breakfast and we were headed back to LA. Jenn will be moving to San Fran as some of the mommies have so we are sad about this. I hope our friendships remain as our kids get older and our lives get busier!